Andi's Pick Of The Month At Limerick Furniture & Mattress!

We recently took a big step in my toddler's life by getting her her big girl bedroom set!  We went straight to Limerick Furniture & Mattress and liked a bunch of different options.  We ended up getting this adorable white set that my daughter really liked.  It looks perfect in her room!

While we were there, I fell in love with Limerick Furniture's loft beds for kids.  It made me a little nervous to get one for my daughter as her first big girl bed since it's so high off the ground, but I loved that it would help save space in her room because of the drawers and bookshelf under the bed and the storage drawers in the steps! It's also very cool that you can customize it to however you want. You can also add a trundle bed instead of having the bookshelf/drawers option. It's super cute!

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