People Are Sharing School Photos For Anti-Bullying Campaign

Now that the new school year has started for most kids, a lot of those students will be forced to deal with bullies, and a new anti-bullying campaign is trying to get the message out to students about what they should be doing about it.

The Diana Award #Back2School campaign is asking folks to share their old, and often awkward, school photos, along with advice for students going back to school, hoping to encourage them to not keep silent and report when they are being bullied to teachers in their school.

A UK reporter named Cathy Newman recently shared a photo, with what she called " sticky-outy teeth that I became really self-conscious about.” She admits that she got teased at school and things only got worse as the years went on, and she wished she had done something about it. “You've got to report it,” she says. “Schools are primed now to listen to your experiences, and to take action if some action is needed.”

Source: Mashable

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