3 Things You Need To Know - Wednesday July 19th

Number 1... Classes will not be held this coming school year at Antietam Middle Senior High School. Recent flooding left the building unusable for the time being. Rochlin says that, as for the 2023-24 school year, the district will have to choose between holding classes at a combination of K-thru-6 classrooms and local churches or possibly renting office space at a cost that could come close to two-million dollars.

Number 2...The National Transportation Safety Board is releasing new information on the deadly explosion at the R.M. Palmer plant in West Reading. They say natural gas was leaking from a DuPont Aldyl A service tee, which had been installed in 1982. When a gas meter was relocated from the basement to the exterior of Palmer Building Two in 2021, the NTSB says the old service tee remained connected to the gas system and fully pressurized. The service tee was located only a few feet away from other underground pipelines, including a steam line and several heated chocolate pipelines. The heat mixed with the leaking gas likely caused the explosion.

Number 3... Meta is unveiling AI technology to rival ChatGPT. The tech giant's large language model will be available for free use, just like OpenAI's counterpart. The program "Llama 2" is a joint effort with Microsoft.

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